Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay about First Midterm - 1605 Words

SOLUTIONS Introductory Financial Accounting Midterm Exam Professor Yanfeng Xue Note: 1. You have 90 minutes to finish this exam. The total score for this exam is 100 points. Please use your time wisely. 2. Please show your work because I do give partial credit. 3. If you cannot remember the name of a particular account, do your best at guessing and at least indicate the type of the account (asset, retained earnings, etc.) 4. Good luck! Name: __________________________________________________ 1†¦show more content†¦Dracula Limo paid $6,000 on October 1st for the first two months’ service. Issued common stock of $10,000 and received cash. Paid half month of salary to employees for $2,000. Provided auto service to a client, billed the client for $3,000 to be paid by November 20th. Received utility bill of $600 for electricity usage in the month of October, although the amount won’t be due until November 15th. Paid dividend of $1,000 in cash. Required: a. Write journal entries for each accounting transaction in the space provided below (explanations for the journals are not necessary and you do not need to worry about any adjusting entries to be made at the end of October related to the transactions). 4 points each, 28 points. b. For each transaction, explain how the income statement could be affected. Specifically, what amount and under what category will be reported on the income statement. 2 points each, 14 points. 1) Cash 4,000 Sales revenue 2,000 Inventories 4,000 2,000 Cost of goods sold In the income statement, revenue is increased by 4,000 and cost of goods sold (expense) increased by 2,000. Grading notes: Students get full credit if they cannot name the cost of goods sold but call it expense. Deduct one point if instead of revenue and expense, students debit or credit retained earnings. The same applies to the rest of the exam. 2) Cash 6,000 Unearned revenue 6,000 TheShow MoreRelatedThe First Midterm Assignment During American History1500 Words   |  6 PagesThe First Midterm Assignment The late-19th century was the most prolonged time period in American history and also what the bloodiest. Many violent events occurred that gave the 19th century its name, such as, profound labor conflicts between boss and workers, the Indian wars that was an extended battle for peace and a benefit in their lifestyles, the Jim Crow law which was established to separate races throughout the city, and also the fight for the American Empires power. These were the majorRead MoreCritical Thinking Assignment On Psychological Stressor5904 Words   |  24 Pageseach day. And at the end of it, we are only left with ourselves to deal with. Yes, one can find help and solace with another, if they are lucky, but even then one is left with their own thoughts to work things out. 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